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Piss Fart Fishing Crew Adventures

PFFCA is an organisation that is dedicated to fishing. Ever since the 11th of july, we have gone fishing on location. So far we have only been to Beauty Point, and let me tell you, it was a beauty of a day. Our next locations will include Swansea, G-Town, Perth River, Longford River, Bicheno, Rosevears and one day, we will go on a mass trip to the Launnie Lakes. We fish every Sunday and whenever else we can, in rain, hail or shine because we are hardcore and we love what we do.

Members Of The Crew

Patrick "Milo" Riley - Paddy is the king fisherman, he knows what he is talking about, with many years of experience under his belt.
Wayne 'Waynos' Traill - Waynos isn't very experienced but still knows a little bit, he loves to fish and thats all that matters.
James 'Robbo' Archer - Arch tries his best to achieve fishing greatness, so far on our travels, he has caught a pole. He loves fish and fishing.
Alistair 'Jacka' Frost - Frosty is a mans man. He doesnt take shit from anyone or any fish. He would die for his fellow fisherman.

This is a new member!!!

Danny 'Barnsey' Carney - danny joind late monday 12th of July 2004, he is one of the best fisherman i know...

Fish Caught

Fish caught so far on our journey include -
Beauty Point - Cod.

Beauty Point - Flatt head

Deviot - Crabs

Fish of the sea... Be all you can be